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Create Server for App Platform (DO)

Once you've successfully linked your App Platform (DO) account to DeployPRO, you're ready to initiate the process of setting up a server for your application. Simply follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Server Menu. If this is your first time connecting a cloud provider on DeployPRO, you will found no list server. What you need to start deploying an application in DeployPRO is by clicking the + Create Server button.

    DeployPRO - Create Server

  2. Next, you will be directed to page so that you can create a server based on your preference. Ensure that you choose the cloud provider correctly. In this App Platform (DO) topic, select DigitalOcean and proceed to fill out the form.

    DeployPRO - Server Preference

    Here are some points you should consider right now:

    • We recommend you to write the server name in camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case or PascalCase.
    • Find the best practice of the specification. πŸ‘‰ Scroll down for more information

    🌐 Don't forget to select the nearest server to your place to make the performance work better!

  1. Review your Server before you click Create Server.

    DeployPRO - Review Server

  2. Your Server is successfully createdπŸ™Œ when the status is running.

    DeployPRO - Server Created

    Ensure thorough confirmation by clicking on the IPv4 Address. Once the server creation process is accomplished, the resulting appearance will resemble the following:

    Dashboard - DeployPRO

    This is how the server detail when you click the server name.

    DeployPRO - Server Detail


  1. You can deploy multiple apps and install databases on the same server, but ensure that your resources are sufficient.
  2. You have the option to delete your server. However, it's important to note that any applications housed within the server will be automatically deleted as well.


Make sure to choose the appropriate specifications based on your application's requirements. While a server can serve multiple applications, if you're setting up a server specifically for a single application, the choice becomes less critical.

For example s-1vcpu-1gb

The DigitalOcean s-1vcpu-1gb specification is for a Basic Droplet with 1 vCPU (virtual CPU), 1 GB of RAM, and a 25 GB SSD. It is a general-purpose droplet that is suitable for a variety of workloads, such as:

  • Personal websites and blogs
  • Small business applications
  • Development environments
  • Testing and staging environments
  • Content delivery networks (CDNs)

βœ… Resources​

  • πŸ‘‰ Deploy Projects using your preferred provider: AWS, DigitalOcean, Azure, and GCP (soon)
  • πŸ‘‰ Get Deployment Support from the team behind this service
  • πŸ‘‰ Join the Community and chat with the team behind DeployPRO