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Deploy NodeJS on Azure

This page explains how to deploy NodeJS on Azure using DeployPRO. Check our NodeJS sample app here. You may fork it for your sample!

👉 Make sure to include the Dockerfile in your application's GitHub repository.

Get Started​

  1. In the Application Menu, click on + Create App.

  2. Fill out the form by providing the Application name and Environment Variable if needed. Here is some information you need to consider:


    • Server ( Select any server you have created on DeployPRO )
    • Type:
      • Deploy from source code ( Used for deploying any application from your GitHub Repository )
      • MySQL ( Used for creating a database for your application )
      • PostgresSQL ( Used for creating a database for your application )


    • Repo ( Select the repository you are going to deploy )
    • Dockerfile Path ( Right now, DeployPRO still needs your manual input for the location of your dockerfile inside the repository )
    • Container Port ( Please manually input the port form your dockerfile )
    • Domain ( Provide any domain name for your application. We also support Custom Domain!)

    Environment Variable

    • Fill out Key and Value in case you need to add some variable.

  1. Click on Create Application button and wait for the status to change to running. To monitor the status change, you can use the refresh button.

    DeployPRO - Application created

  1. Once the application is successfully deployed, you can proceed to visit the domain.

    Domain - DeployPRO

  1. This is an optional step to perform a double-check by navigating to the Actions tab in your GitHub repository. Make sure the icon color of workflow run is green. This will allow you to confirm whether your application has been successfully deployed. For a detailed status update on the build_image and deploy process, directly select the workflow.

    GitHub Actions - DeployPRO

    On your repository, you will get new module from the deployment process.

    New Module - DeployPRO

    The detailed view of your application resembles the image provided below. You have the flexibility to either make edits or option for deletion of the application.

    Application Detail - DeployPRO

If you encounter some issue while deploying your application, don't hesitate to inform us! 😉

✅ Resources​

  • 👉 Deploy Projects using your preferred provider: AWS, DigitalOcean, Azure, and GCP (soon)
  • 👉 Get Deployment Support from the team behind this service
  • 👉 Join the Community and chat with the team behind DeployPRO