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Azure - Generate Credentials

Azure Key Vault will generate two keys for the secret: an access key and a secret key. The access key is used to access the secret in Azure Key Vault. The secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the secret.

You can also generate access keys and secret keys using the Azure CLI or the Azure PowerShell.

Generate Credentials

The steps to link your Azure Account in DeployPRO are a bit more detailed, as you have to locate the following keys and their corresponding values:

  • tenant_id
  • client_id
  • client_secrete
  • subscription_id

Follow the provided steps to obtain the required credentials:

  1. Go to the Azure Portal and sign in using your Microsoft Account.
  2. In the Azure Portal, use the search bar to find App registration and then click on New registration.
  3. Provide a name for the app and select the supported account types. In this case is Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant - Multitenant)
  4. After creating the registration, you will be provided with an Application (client) ID and Directory (tenat) ID. Take note of this, as you'll need it later.
  5. In the same app registration page, navigate to Add a certificate or secret.
  6. Under the Client secrets section, click on New client secret.
  7. Provide a description, select an expiration, and click Add.
  8. Make sure to note down the generated column value immediately, as it will not be visible later. This will be the client_secrete.
  9. In the Azure Portal, navigate back to Azure Active Directory (home).
  10. Use the search bar to find Subscriptions. Then, you will see a column Subscription ID. That will be your subscription_id.
  11. Then click on Azure Subscriptions. In the Azure Subscriptions page, navigate to Access control (IAM) Menuand then click on Add button.
  12. Choose Add role assignment.
  13. Hover to Privilaged adminsitrator roles and then select Contributor then proceed by click on Next.
  14. On the Members row, click on Select Members and look for the the app you have registered in the first step.
  15. Proceed the form by click Select.
  16. Last, click Review + Assign

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